Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.
~William James

Okay, so when it comes to myself, I'm a procrastinator. I said it!

With always the best intentions (purity of intention as my Spiritual Director would say), I never get to the "list" of things that I need or want to do for myself. Just take a look at my "new year resolutions".

  • Do the laundry every day
  • Update the household budget every week
  • Go to adoration once a week
  • Exercise at least 3 days a week
  • Spiritually journal (SD's commandment) 15 minutes a day
  • Finish one room in my house each month
  • Go on a real vacation
  • Spend meaningful time with my extended family(Mom, Sis, Niece, godchildren, etc) at least once a week
  • Finish the basement (started almost 4 years ago...sigh)
  • Pay off all outstanding debts
  • File a blog entry once a week

I won't tell you how I'm doing on most of them, but it's close to abyssmal. It has to be the Sanguine in me because it's definitely not the Choleric.

So that brings me to my LAST resolution on the list - file a blog entry once a week. purest of intentions and my heart's desires do not help in getting me to be accountable to this. So, I've been thinking about how I can do better at this, because I really do want to blog. Hey, I've got a lot to say!

But that brings me to part of my problem. I'm an over-achiever and I suffer from the great sin of Pride (thank you Choleric temperament), so...part of my issue is wanting every blog to be perfect, every thought to be articulate, every topic - totally relevant. And if it isn't, well...not gonna post. In fact, as a I write this, there are 5 unpublished blogs sitting in my draft folder...BECAUSE, I did not think they were perfect and I couldn't find the time to perfect them, so I abandoned them. As my friends over at CardoLife would say, I am surely not pivoting towards virtue here.

And I've complained that because my days are typically spent writing for other people's missions and calls to evangelize in their own particular ways, I often feel spent in energy and creativity when it comes to my own thoughts.

But as I sit here this morning, I'm reminded about the inspiration I was given to write this blog to begin with - the command given to be the "morning watchmen of the third millennium" (Is21:11-12) - to give witness to the truth, so that all who have eyes to see will ....see. There are so many Pilates (not the exercise, for those just jumping on this train - read my first blog entry) out there, who don't know the truth and amidst all the noise, don't know it when they hear it.

So, I realize that it *is* what I *do* every day that gives witness to the truth. It's the clients that we represent at The Maximus Group. It's the media monitoring that we do daily so we can counter the false prophets and the dissidence in the Catholic faith, and fight against the attacks against Christianity in the media and the culture. It's the speakers we work with who have been sent forth to share the message of life, fidelity, hope, healing and truth to the four corners of the globe. It's the great work happening in evangelization throught the United States and the world.

My blog entries are about answering Pilate's great question, What is Truth?, and sharing with any who are willing to listen: the people in which it can be heard and the places where it can be found.

St. Catherine of Siena, help me to be a better evangelizer.

If you are what you will be, you will set the world on fire. Let the truth be
your delight...proclaim it...but with a certain congeniality.
- St Catherine of Siena

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